Do you have a story about your IUHPFL experience you'd like to share with us or a gift you'd like to make toward our scholarship fund? Please consider the following ways that you can stay connected with IUHPFL and encourage future participants!
Alumni Testimonials
If you'd like to send us a testimonial about your IUHPFL experience and how it impacted your life after high school, please send it via email to We love to share alumni stories on this website, social media, or in our newsletter. If possible, please include a photo or two!
Alumni Video Project
Check out videos made by alumni of various program sites and years and submit your own by following these instructions!
Donating Funds
Many of you have generously donated toward IUHPFL scholarships for future participants, and we are incredibly grateful for your gifts. If you would like to make a contribution and help a young person live their language, we thank you in advance for your kindness.