In Summer 2024, the Saint-Brieuc team was able to connect with many local students and community members. As IUHFPL is a 100% immersive program, interacting with locals allows for authentic language use in different settings. Additionally, students were able to learn about French and Breton culture from those most knowledgeable about it.
Early on in the program, the Saint-Brieuc students met up with French high school students who attend the lycée that hosts IUHPFL. These students prepared an afternoon of activities, including icebreakers, popular local and European games like Palet Breton and Mölkky, and a Breton dance lesson. Afterward, the IUHPFL group showed the French students the ‘Cotton-Eyed Joe’, so culture was exchanged on both sides! As both groups had classes at the same lycée, they ran into each other in the cafeteria later on. Some students shared contact information and are still in communication!
At another event held at the lycée, a local band and members of the Celtic Club came and taught students and their host families more Breton dancing. Some of these dances are similar to American line dancing or square dancing. The students had fun learning from locals familiar with these traditions.
Finally, one day after classes, the Saint-Brieuc group visited the Centre de Loisirs de Langueux, which is a local center for after school activities. Here they worked with elementary-aged kids, playing some more ice breakers and learning how to make crêpes. The younger students were thrilled to get to talk to American high schoolers.
Although all sites interact with the local community, Saint-Brieuc had many unique opportunities to build connections this year. These connections make the program a more authentic study abroad experience: students get to see and enjoy the culture of the community as people who live there do. IUHPFL is proud to facilitate the exchange of culture through its program.