It is hard to believe the summer is over. It was such a beautifully intense experience. We learned so much and enjoyed ourselves even more! We all returned home with so many unforgettable memories: daily classes where we tried our best to apply the new things we learned; playing sports together out in the patio and the rivalries were strong; singing all the new songs and getting better every day until we eventually performed them to an appreciative crown of families and friends at the farewell show; visiting the Mayor of Oviedo; weekend excursions to the beach; almost daily trips to get ice cream and all the incredible excursions we took together to see and experience some of the wonders of the local region.
Oviedo, Spain

It is hard to sum up our experience in only a few words. We would really need a novel to do it any justice. We did so many things and we really bonded over all these experiences. Friendships were made that will last forever, with both the Spaniards as well as amongst ourselves. Of course, there were days when we got overwhelmed and we missed the comforts of being home and the reality of speaking only Spanish was so much more of a challenge than we thought it would be. But in the end the trip was something we will cherish forever.