My name is Ben Karazim, and I am a Junior at Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School. I participated in the IU Honors program in Oviedo, Spain this past summer, and my time abroad was nothing short of incredible. Seeing various historical sites such as the municipality of Covadonga, learning traditional Asturian “Danza Prima,” and improving my Spanish-speaking skills beyond my original expectations were some of the highlights of my cultural immersion experience. I walked away from the 5-week program with a second family, composed of a diverse group of classmates from high schools throughout Indiana, my teachers, and my host family. My cohort continues to get together on a regular basis to practice our Spanish speaking skills and reminisce about our time spent in Oviedo this summer.
This year at Brebeuf, I am involved in Student Government, Black Student Union, and am currently taking AP Spanish. My goal is to receive the Global Seal of Biliteracy, which is the highest distinction that comes with passing the AP Exam. The IU Honors curriculum has given me additional confidence and helped me excel in the classroom this year. By incorporating the new vocabulary I learned over the summer and quoting experiences I had in Spain for Cultural Comparison assignments, I have had success in my AP Spanish class.