We are sad to announce that the decision has been made to cancel the 2020 Hangzhou program. All other IUHPFL programs are still on track at this time, and we are watching the developing situation with coronavirus daily.
Though some reports pertaining to COVID-19 in China indicate that the number of recoveries is on the rise, it’s impossible to predict how much of the country is yet to be affected or how long the virus will remain a serious threat. With the largest number of cases and deaths still occurring in China, we believe that the best approach is to cancel this summer’s Hangzhou program and to set our sights on 2021 (when the Osaka, Japan program will be offered, as well).
It is our hope that this year’s sophomore and junior applicants for Hangzhou will consider participating in 2021 instead. Although we will ask for updated application materials, their acceptance into the program would be automatically granted as long as their academic performance remains strong. We realize that those few students who are currently seniors will not be able to participate in IUHPFL and we hope to offer them some reassurance that many wonderful study abroad opportunities await them in college.
Lastly, we wish to thank all of you for your trust and patience, as we’ve worked to determine the viability of a program in China for this summer. We regret that we have had to cancel the program and we hope to see all of you students either for the Hangzhou 2021 program or here at Indiana University.